Dating is just like public relations. Before you laugh, ask yourself: What’s the first association you make when it comes to PR? If you said relationship management, you’re on my wavelength.
Forgive My Rant: Grammar Mistakes That Make Us Cringe
#HashtagCampaigns – Making the Pound Powerful.
6 Seconds of Engagement
You still can't beat credible third party endorsements
The mix of marketing vehicles available to companies looking to tell their stories and sell their wares has never been more extensive: print, broadcast, online, mobile. This reminds us that it's not the channel in which a message is consumed but the message itself and the source of that message that earns a business credibility.
Breaking out of a writer’s-blocked funk
In media relations, half your clients don’t pay
At PReturn, we have a core belief that each time we reach out to the media with client news, we’re actually servicing two clients: our paying client and the reporter we’re pitching. It’s easy to get wrapped up with a client’s agenda (after all, they’re paying!), but forgetting about the reporters’ needs puts you in a bad position. By taking care of the reporters, your paying clients come out on top far more often.
Constantly Connected Consumers – Brands Can Take Advantage
When Martin Cooper made the first handheld mobile phone call 40 years ago he couldn’t have imagined the impact mobile devices would have on the world’s ability to connect in 2014. The same can be said for brands, which are now in the driver’s seat more than ever when it comes to their mobile visibility.
The Social PR Interaction – #Winning vs. Panicking
Introducing Rey Perez, assistant account executive
Spring is on the horizon in the Chicagoland area, and with the arrival of budding flowers and salvation from the bitter cold comes new beginnings. Not wanting to buck that trend, we decided we could use a little more help around the office, and it comes in the form of our new assistant account executive, Rey Perez.