Breaking out of a writer’s-blocked funk

For writers, it’s inevitable; one moment, everything that flows from your mind to the keyboard is gold, the next you find yourself sitting staring idly at the monitor waiting for the words to manifest. It happens without warning, and it stops you in your tracks: writer’s-block.

At PReturn, writing is at the core of what we do day in and day out. However, we’ll admit that we’ve encountered writer’s-block more times than we can count. Luckily, there are a few quick ways to blast through that barrier; here are some of our favorites:

Word Vomit – Put your hands to the keyboard. It doesn’t matter what hits the page at this point, just type anything that comes to mind and worry about editing later. The more you get out, the more likely you are to find a great piece of writing, even if you have to dig it out from some muck.

Change your Surroundings – Find a different spot to channel your inner author. If the desk isn’t working for you, a different environment where you can get those creative juices flowing could be the answer. Yes, your co-workers may give you a funny look when they see you hanging out in the corner of a dark break room with your laptop, but it’ll be worth it when the final product is spot on.

Walk and Talk –Get your thoughts out by actually walking around and asking yourself questions, answering them as if you’re in an interview. (Again, this may draw a few stares). Carry a notebook and make small notes so that when you get back to writing you’ll find a great base to build upon.

Step Back- Take some time to work on a different project, grab a bite to eat, or just give yourself a break. Writers-block can be like quicksand; the harder you fight, the deeper you dig. Walking away from the project will likely leave you reinvigorated with fresh ideas and a new perspective.

Divide and ConquerTry not to think of your piece as a whole, but rather a combination of a few small, less daunting sections. Jot down a few core ideas that you know you want to include, as they’ll make up the bulk of your selection, then tackle the introduction and conclusion. Once you put it all together and fill in the gaps, you’ll hopefully have a finished product to be proud of.

No matter the content, writing is a critical component of PR, and finding the process that sparks creativity and fights writer’s-block is essential. So do what works best for you, and share your tips, because we’re always looking for more!

**Note - Writers-block was overcome during this entry.**