You still can't beat credible third party endorsements

The mix of marketing vehicles available to companies looking to tell their stories and sell their wares has never been more extensive: print, broadcast, online, mobile. Kenshoo, the global leader in predictive media optimization technology, took it to a new extreme today; Kenshoo understands so much about online consumer behavior, it has launched K-Shoes, a premium line of footwear that leverages those deep audience insights to best reflect the intent of each user (I love April 1).

With all these marketing channels available to businesses, a new study from inPowered, conducted by Nielsen, reminds us that it's not the channel in which a message is consumed but the message itself and the source of that message that earns a business credibility. MediaPost's Jack Loechner posted a great summary this morning, "3rd Party Content Appears More Credible."Here are some highlights:

  • Consumers rely on credible, third party content more than branded content or user reviews when making decisions

  • 85% of consumers regularly or occasionally seek out trusted expert content

  • 67% of consumers agree that an endorsement from an unbiased expert makes them more likely to consider purchasing

BtoB marketers should pay close attention. When the stakes are higher and the sales cycle longer, credible endorsements can be incredibly powerful. Of course, brands should leverage those credible endorsements through all sorts of media types and through owned and paid media. Just don't forget there's no substitute for the credibility of earned media.

How to get those valuable endorsements? Position executives and brands as credible, helpful industry thought leaders. Seek out speaking opportunities, industry accolades and media coverage. These are just a few of the ways public relations, media relations and the third party endorsements can help your brand create a trail of credibility and win more business. Drop us a line to brainstorm some more.