After rare revenue decline, Apple (initially) slips again with media and analysts

After rare revenue decline, Apple (initially) slips again with media and analysts

The last time Apple had bad financial news to report, the Cincinnati Bengals had just picked Carson Palmer as the No. 1 player in the NFL Draft, Johnny Depp was only a few short weeks away from making his debut as Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean series, and Twitter didn’t even exist.

Brands beware – fans could eat you alive

Brands beware – fans could eat you alive

Twitter – the wonderful world where brand to consumer interaction is readily available and honestly can play big dividends – unless, of course, you choose to mess with the “The Beygency” or “The Beyhive,” the excitable and extremely devoted arm of Beyoncé's loyal online following.

Quality data and hijacking the news cycle

Easter is coming up – you’d better believe brands will be jumping like the bunny to post a clever holiday-based tweet or two. In much the same way, savvy PR pros with access to quality data can hijack the revolving news cycle to promote their data prowess.