Syndicated Coverage: The Hidden Value of News Service Reporters

We often think of wire services as a tool used to distribute press releases for clients – and while that’s certainly true, it doesn’t tell the full story. Some wire services are more than a distribution network for releases, they’re also a “news service” with reporters covering specific beats and writing original stories for their member organizations, which include top daily newspapers and other news outlets. The Associated Press (AP) is arguably the most famous of the bunch, but Reuters isn’t too far behind.In fact, Kenshoo, the global leader in agile marketing (and a PReturn client) recently had a comment included in a Reuters' story about mobile app advertising:

“If King carries video ads, that would be a huge opportunity for them, said Harish Thimmappa, senior director of social sales at marketing-technology company Kenshoo.”

The comment was the result of an interview between Harish Thimmappa of Kenshoo and Reuters Reporter Anya George Tharakan. This one comment produced great value, as Tharakan’s story was syndicated across a large network of member publishers who rely on Reuters’ news service to provide the best content and insights for their readers.Here’s a brief sampling of the syndicated coverage:

Syndicated News Coverage

Syndicated News Coverage

A quick Google search turns up even more results:So how do we help ensure our clients reap the benefits of syndicated coverage? We use a three-step approach:

  1. Ask our clients to alert us when significant industry events are set to take place, and encourage them to be ready with industry insights

  2. Prep client spokespeople with talking points ahead of interviews

  3. Prioritize wire service contacts for media pitching

Assuming we pique the interest of these priority media contacts with our pitch and the interview with our client spokesperson goes well, we should see the initial story pop, followed quickly by a wave of syndicated stories.Interested in how PReturn can help you achieve syndicated success? Give us a shout.