Data Talks (and builds brand recognition)

Companies that possess the right data on timely trends people want to know about can apply some meaningful analysis to generate insights which can provide the backbone for an effective media relations campaign. The means of doing so include Rapid Data Processing (or RDP - click here for more info:, and this offers companies fantastic tools to best automate their process for deciding the next direction of their marketing campaign.

The examples can be seen in just about any news organization's day-to-day coverage. Panda Security, for example, wants to be known as an expert on IT security threats and trojans; so it shares its data and insights with SC Magazine and other top IT security resources.

Most smart marketers don't have to think about this long before a formula emerges ... basically, demand for knowledge = an opportunity to offer credible insights (breadth of data + meaningful analysis).

When companies let their data do the talking, great things can happen:

  1. The editorial filter should keep most propaganda from gaining too much traction (I don't want to hear from Kraft about the healthiest foods for my toddler)

  2. Legitimately credible companies earn their time in the spotlight: those that can put directional industry trends within more understandable contexts and themes tend to be rewarded with interest, media coverage and exposure to those most interested in their businesses

  3. Companies must talk about themselves: usually this is the fastest way to turn off a reporter, but when businesses release data about industry trends, reporters (and their readers) want to know more about the business and the methodology for the research

A client example:Looking to gauge growth of the search engine marketing industry? Many influential members of the media and analyst community are, and the latest Kenshoo Global Search Advertising Trends report can help. Demand for these insights helps Kenshoo raise awareness within a technical and rapidly evolving industry. The company knows a great deal about the industry and the performance of search engines in general; its digital marketing software is used by nearly half the Fortune 50 and directs more than $25 billion in annual client sales volume. Lots of industry followers want to better understand these trends, and Kenshoo has the data and insights to meet that demand. This of course creates a lot of high profile industry visibility for the company and gets the Kenshoo brand in front of countless influencers and prospects.

A PReturn case study shares three examples of how businesses have leveraged their data to help their industries better understand directional trends at work. Have a look for more ideas about how your business can leverage its unique resources.

Think you might have access to some unique resources at your business? Drop us a line at to brainstorm how you might be able to turn those resources into some valuable brand-building PR and marketing resources.