Paid media can be especially effective for advocating issues or a point of view.
Social buzz may fizzle for Rio
navigating the new rules may be as challenging as taking down Michael Jordan’s Dream Team of the early 90s.
Brands beware – fans could eat you alive
Sometimes a more direct approach to consumer feedback can pay dividends
Presidential Hopefuls Display a Lack of Quality Media Training
“Sauce Castillo” Offers PR Gold
Anonymous Social Networks – Social marketing’s emerging opportunity
Social marketing has gathered steam in recent years and positively impacts other marketing channels when properly aligned. The latest to the social sharing party are anonymous applications Secret and Whisper, which enable users to anonymously share thoughts to a public network
5 Steps to Effective Real-Time Marketing
Real-time marketing, a golden opportunity for brands to capitalize on what the collective world has eyes on, is effective when done well, but embarrassing when it’s not. With the ability to quickly reach a huge number of people comes the double-edged sword of blunders going viral for all the wrong reasons.