We’d like to broaden your definition of earned media
A full-service PR agency, we approach earned media efforts in both traditional and revolutionary ways. Our creative and flexible approach ensures clients succeed.
Content development
Our staff of experienced writers help clients with the development of marketing and communications materials that boost credibility, thought-leadership and sales. We ghostwrite bylined articles for executives, white papers and blog posts on the technical topics that move the needle for companies.
Media Relations
Media contacts are just the beginning. The right timing, tactics and press-worthy angles can help earn your organization more coverage, credibility and customers. The right approach to relationship building can accelerate your success.
Analyst relations
Top industry analyst groups and financial analysts can provide the credibility and third-party endorsements needed to win over clients and investors. We help you determine how to best engage them to build impactful coverage and relationships.
Message development
Our full- and half-day message development sessions build consensus across the organization on exactly what a company does, who they serve and how best to position them for success in competitive industries and markets.
News and corporate communications
Keeping media, clients and prospects informed is critical. We identify the news-worthy angles that garner headlines and attract investor attention with press releases, blog posts and e-newsletter stories for any target audience.
Spokesperson training
Our hands-on media, analyst and presentation training sessions prepare clients to make the most of every opportunity, further their agendas and nurture valuable relationships.
Thought leadership
Tap your in-house experts for opportunities with media, analysts and others to establish your brand, people and unique value propositions with the audiences that matter most. We help clients spotlight expertise to build credibility with awards, bylined articles, speaking opportunities and expert source programs.
Aggregate Data and trend spotting
Perspectives and trends data live in your organization; we can help you turn them into unique insights and branding gold. When client case studies are hard to come by, we can assess the media value of data in your organization that could unlock trends and insights when studied in aggregate.
Strategic planning
Assessing your organization and the industries in which it works can provide the intelligence you need to maximize your marcomm and PR efforts. Finding where your expertise and resources overlap with opportunity or confusion in the marketplace boosts the odds that your news and brand will be heard.
social media
Social media has become a critical component of brand building, connecting companies directly with customers and prospects. We help clients manage their social presence by crafting engaging content consistent with any brand voice.
Consulting Services
Insourcing your PR efforts? Setting up an in-house PR and marketing team? We can help get you off on the right foot by analyzing your goals to determine your staffing needs, and training new and existing staff on all facets of PR. We’ll establish, support and supplement your team whenever and wherever you need us so you don’t miss out on critical opportunities.