Interview Lessons from ChatGPT

One of the services we offer at PR Return is media training spokespeople to handle interviews (read our previous posts on media training). With the world a bit AI-crazy right now, we thought it would be a fun exercise to have ChatGPT act as the CEO of a tech company for a mock interview and then analyze what it did well and what it needs to work on before future interviews. Overall, ChatGPT did a decent job with the interview (strength: summarizes, explains, summarizes answers), though there are certainly some finer points to work on (weakness: keeping answers concise and conversational). While we won’t be media training ChatGPT, this exercise hopefully demonstrates the value of media training for company spokespeople, both before interviews begin as well as after they occur. There’s no substitute for practice, and we’d be glad to assist should you or your company require media training. Contact us for help.

Posing as a reporter for a tech publication, our questions are in bold with ChatGPT’s responses following. Our commentary follows each question in italics.

Thanks for making time to speak with me today. I just wanted to ask you a few questions about your company and the recent data you published.

Of course, I'm happy to provide any insights you need. What specific details or aspects of the data are you interested in discussing?

A nice opener with an offer to assist. A “thanks for your interest” could have taken this up a notch.

First, I'm hoping you can tell me a bit about your company and what it does.

Absolutely. Our company, InnovateTech Solutions, specializes in developing cutting-edge software and hardware solutions designed to streamline business operations and enhance productivity. We focus on integrating artificial intelligence and machine learning into our products to help companies leverage data more effectively. From advanced analytics platforms to smart automation tools, our goal is to empower businesses to make more informed decisions and drive innovation in their respective industries. We pride ourselves on our commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology while maintaining a strong focus on user experience and security.

Good job getting the name of the company in there. Peppering in the proper nouns throughout the conversation helps to ensure they show up in the article when it publishes. This is also a succinct description of the business – it contains a lot of buzz words, but that’s likely a biproduct of the company not actually existing.

How many clients do you have today?

As of the latest figures, we serve over 1,200 clients globally. Our client base spans various industries, including finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail. We're continually expanding our reach and developing new solutions to meet the evolving needs of our diverse clientele.

Again, nice succinct answer with both the asked-for information as well as a few details about who the clients are and who the company hopes to reach.

How has the company changed since you assumed leadership?

Since I took on the role of CEO, we’ve made several strategic changes to drive growth and innovation.

  1. Product Innovation: We’ve accelerated our investment in research and development, leading to the launch of several new products that leverage the latest advancements in AI and machine learning.

  2. Customer Focus: We’ve shifted our approach to be more customer-centric, implementing a feedback-driven development process and enhancing our support services to better meet client needs.

  3. Global Expansion: We’ve expanded our footprint internationally, opening new offices in key markets and forming strategic partnerships to increase our global presence.

  4. Sustainability Initiatives: We’ve integrated sustainability into our business strategy, focusing on reducing our environmental impact through greener practices and energy-efficient technologies.

  5. Culture and Talent: We’ve worked on fostering a more inclusive and collaborative company culture, investing in professional development, and attracting top talent to drive our mission forward.

These changes have been pivotal in positioning us as a leader in the tech industry and setting the stage for continued growth and innovation.

Using a numbered list like this not only helps the interviewee organize their talking points, but also helps the reporter keep track of them. Rather than using “several,” using the specific number (five) in the lead-up notifies the reporter there will be that number of points to track. The reporter may even note 1-5 and fill in the points as they arrive. Spokespeople can help ensure reporters takeaway the most important information by making it easy for them to organize key points. Using the company name instead of “we” in a couple instances would have been a nice touch.

Why did you put greater focus on culture and talent? Were there problems in the past?

Great question. Investing in culture and talent was a proactive decision rather than a reaction to specific problems. We recognized that a strong, positive culture is crucial for long-term success and innovation. Here’s why we prioritized it:

  1. Attracting Top Talent: In a competitive tech industry, having a strong, inclusive, and engaging workplace culture helps us attract and retain top talent. People want to work in environments where they feel valued and can thrive professionally.

  2. Driving Innovation: A positive culture fosters collaboration and creativity, which are essential for innovation. When employees are motivated and aligned with our mission, they’re more likely to contribute innovative ideas and solutions.

  3. Employee Engagement and Retention: By investing in our people and creating a supportive work environment, we aim to improve job satisfaction and reduce turnover. Engaged employees are more productive and committed to the company’s goals.

  4. Company Growth: As we expand, maintaining a strong culture helps ensure that new hires integrate smoothly and share our values. It also supports our global teams by fostering a sense of unity and purpose.

While there weren’t significant issues in the past, we saw the opportunity to build on our existing strengths and create an even more dynamic and supportive environment. This focus on culture and talent is about setting ourselves up for sustained success and growth.

Complimenting the question is a nice way to build rapport with the reporter while also taking a moment to gather your thoughts for the answer which can be helpful with a potentially loaded question about “problems.” Leading with the positive keeps the focus there. Again, the numbered list helps both the spokesperson and the reporter. At the end of this response, using “weren’t significant issues” implies that there were issues and opens the door for a potential follow-up. Instead, lead with “We saw …”

Can you tell me about the latest report you published?

Certainly! Our latest report, published last month, provides a comprehensive analysis of industry trends and the impact of emerging technologies on business performance. Here are some key highlights:

  1. AI Adoption Trends: The report reveals a significant increase in AI adoption across various sectors. Businesses are leveraging AI not only for automation but also for advanced data analytics, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency.

  2. Impact of Machine Learning: We’ve highlighted how machine learning algorithms are transforming industries like finance and healthcare by improving predictive analytics and personalizing customer experiences.

  3. Cybersecurity Insights: With the rise in digital transformation, cybersecurity remains a top concern. Our report includes a detailed assessment of current threats and best practices for safeguarding data and maintaining system integrity.

  4. Sustainability in Tech: We also examined the growing focus on sustainability within the tech industry. Companies are increasingly adopting eco-friendly practices and technologies to reduce their carbon footprint.

  5. Future Outlook: The report concludes with projections on how these trends are expected to evolve over the next five years, providing strategic insights for businesses planning their technology investments.

The findings are based on extensive research and interviews with industry experts, and we believe they offer valuable guidance for businesses navigating the rapidly changing tech landscape. If you’re interested in specific data points or sections of the report, I’d be happy to provide more details.

“Here are five key highlights” is better than “some,” but overall, this is a solid response. Citing the specific data points where possible would be more impactful than speaking in generalities, but this does lead the reporter to potential follow-up questions.

Sustainability is an oft-talked about item but typically seems to be secondary to other aspects of tech adoption. Does that line up with your findings?

In our findings, sustainability is indeed increasingly important, but it often competes with other priorities such as cost efficiency and technological advancement. Here’s a more nuanced view based on our report:

  1. Growing Importance: Sustainability is gaining traction as a core consideration, particularly among larger companies and those with a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility. Many organizations are integrating sustainability into their long-term strategies and seeing it as essential for their brand reputation and compliance with regulatory requirements.

  2. Primary vs. Secondary: For some businesses, sustainability still takes a backseat to immediate operational needs and technological upgrades. However, there is a noticeable shift where companies are starting to view sustainability not as a secondary concern but as a critical component that can drive innovation and create competitive advantage.

  3. Cost vs. Benefit: While the initial costs of adopting sustainable technologies can be a barrier, many companies are finding that the long-term benefits—such as energy savings, waste reduction, and enhanced brand loyalty—make it a worthwhile investment.

  4. Industry Variations: The emphasis on sustainability varies by industry. For instance, sectors like tech and manufacturing are facing increasing pressure from both consumers and regulators to adopt greener practices, while others may be slower to integrate these concerns into their core strategies.

  5. Future Trends: Looking ahead, we anticipate that sustainability will become more central to tech adoption as companies recognize the strategic value of aligning with environmental goals and as technologies to support sustainability become more accessible and cost-effective.

In summary, while sustainability may not always be the primary focus right now, it is increasingly becoming an integral part of the broader business strategy, and its importance is expected to grow.

Again, citing the specific data is better than speaking in generalities. Summarizing at the end is a nice touch and presents an opportunity for a printable soundbite.

Can you tell me more about sustainability as a driver of innovation?

Absolutely. Sustainability can be a powerful driver of innovation in several ways:

  1. New Technologies and Solutions: The need to address environmental challenges often spurs the development of new technologies and solutions. For example, advancements in renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels and wind turbines, have been driven by the need to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

  2. Efficient Resource Use: Sustainability pushes companies to optimize their use of resources. This can lead to innovations in areas like materials science (e.g., developing biodegradable materials or more efficient batteries), manufacturing processes (e.g., reducing waste and energy consumption), and product design (e.g., creating products that are easier to recycle or repair).

  3. Circular Economy: The concept of a circular economy—where products are designed for longevity, reuse, and recycling—drives innovation in product design and business models. Companies are developing new ways to extend product lifecycles, recycle materials, and create closed-loop systems that minimize waste.

  4. Consumer Demand: As consumers increasingly demand environmentally friendly products and practices, companies are motivated to innovate to meet these expectations. This can lead to new product lines, improved supply chain practices, and enhanced transparency regarding environmental impact.

  5. Regulatory Compliance: Stringent environmental regulations and standards can act as catalysts for innovation. Companies often need to develop new technologies or processes to comply with these regulations, leading to advancements in their operations and products.

  6. Competitive Advantage: Firms that lead in sustainability can differentiate themselves in the market. This competitive edge often drives further innovation as companies seek to maintain their leadership position and capitalize on the growing market for sustainable products and services.

  7. Collaboration and Partnerships: Sustainability challenges often require collaborative approaches, bringing together different sectors, disciplines, and organizations. These collaborations can lead to innovative solutions that might not have emerged from isolated efforts.

  8. Long-Term Value Creation: Investing in sustainable practices can lead to long-term value creation by reducing costs (e.g., through energy savings or waste reduction), enhancing brand reputation, and opening up new market opportunities. This broader perspective encourages companies to think creatively about their strategies and solutions.

In essence, sustainability acts as a catalyst for innovation by challenging companies to rethink their approaches, adopt new technologies, and embrace practices that not only address environmental concerns but also drive business growth and competitiveness.

This answer is pretty long. Reducing the list to a top five would be a better strategy. If that’s simply not possible, then touching each one as briefly as possible with an offer to provide more details on any specific point the reporter would like to hear more about is preferable. This gives the reporter an opportunity to inquire about the elements that are most interesting or relevant to their story and keeps them engaged.

And yet adoption of alternative energy sources still lags behind traditional sources. Are the demands of technology infrastructure like massive server farms too much for renewable energy? Or are the costs simply too high?

The adoption of alternative energy sources, especially for technology infrastructure like massive server farms, faces several challenges, but there are solutions and trends working to address these issues:

  1. Energy Demand and Reliability: Large data centers and server farms require a consistent and reliable energy supply. Traditional energy sources, such as fossil fuels, have been the mainstay due to their reliability and established infrastructure. Renewable energy sources, like wind and solar, are intermittent by nature and can be less predictable, which raises concerns about their ability to meet the constant energy demands of data centers.

  2. Energy Storage: One of the critical challenges for renewable energy is energy storage. Effective and cost-efficient storage solutions are needed to manage the intermittent nature of renewable sources. Advances in battery technology and other storage methods are helping to address this issue, but it remains a significant area of investment and development.

  3. Cost Considerations: The initial cost of transitioning to renewable energy can be high. This includes the cost of installing renewable energy systems, upgrading infrastructure, and implementing energy storage solutions. However, the cost of renewable energy technologies has been decreasing over time. Solar and wind power, in particular, have seen substantial drops in cost, making them more competitive with traditional energy sources.

  4. Infrastructure Upgrades: Integrating renewable energy into existing infrastructure requires upgrades and changes to the energy grid to handle variable power inputs and to improve efficiency in energy distribution. This can be a complex and expensive process, which may contribute to slower adoption rates.

  5. Long-Term Economic Benefits: Despite higher initial costs, renewable energy sources often have lower operational costs and provide long-term economic benefits. The decreasing cost of renewable energy and the potential for savings on fuel and maintenance are driving more companies to invest in these technologies.

  6. Corporate Sustainability Goals: Many tech companies are committing to sustainability goals and are actively investing in renewable energy to meet their carbon reduction targets. Companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon are leading the way by investing in large-scale renewable energy projects and purchasing renewable energy credits to offset their carbon footprint.

  7. Technological Advances: Advances in technology, such as more efficient renewable energy systems, improved energy storage solutions, and better energy management systems, are making it increasingly feasible for data centers and other high-energy-demand facilities to rely on renewable sources.

  8. Policy and Incentives: Government policies and incentives can play a significant role in promoting the adoption of renewable energy. Subsidies, tax credits, and other incentives can help offset the initial costs and encourage more widespread use of renewable energy.

In summary, while there are challenges to adopting renewable energy for technology infrastructure, including data centers, ongoing advancements in technology and decreasing costs are making it increasingly viable. Many companies are actively working to overcome these hurdles and are setting ambitious goals to increase their use of renewable energy as part of their sustainability strategies.

This answer is also too long, and it’s repetitive. It’s important to hit the key points but also not to monopolize the discussion. Talking in soundbites increases the chances of being quoted in the published article and saves the reporter having to dig through extensive notes or transcripts to find a quote to include.

What percentage of the respondents prioritized sustainability efforts in your survey?

In our latest survey, approximately 62% of respondents indicated that sustainability efforts are a high priority for their organizations. This reflects a significant shift towards incorporating environmental considerations into business strategies.

Among those prioritizing sustainability:

  • 40% are focused on reducing their carbon footprint and investing in renewable energy sources.

  • 35% are integrating sustainability into their supply chains and product designs.

  • 27% are emphasizing waste reduction and circular economy practices.

The remaining respondents noted that while sustainability is on their radar, it is often balanced with other operational and strategic priorities. However, even among these respondents, there is a growing recognition of the importance of sustainability, and many are planning to increase their focus in the near future.

Perfect. Short and informative while citing specific datapoints. As an aside, however, this response shows just how far popular AI apps will take their fictitious answers and should serve as a cautionary tale to anyone who uses them.

How soon do respondents believe they'll reach their sustainability goals?

Based on our survey, respondents have varying expectations about reaching their sustainability goals, reflecting the diversity in their targets and current progress. Here’s a breakdown of their anticipated timelines:

  • Within 1-3 Years: Approximately 25% of respondents believe they will achieve their sustainability goals within the next 1 to 3 years. These organizations often have clear, short-term targets and have already implemented significant initiatives.

  • 4-6 Years: About 40% of respondents expect to meet their sustainability goals within 4 to 6 years. This group is typically working on more complex objectives, such as large-scale renewable energy projects or extensive supply chain overhauls, which require additional time.

  • 7-10 Years: Around 20% anticipate reaching their goals in 7 to 10 years. These respondents may have ambitious or long-term targets that involve substantial changes in operations, technology adoption, or regulatory compliance.

  • More than 10 Years: The remaining 15% are looking at timelines beyond 10 years. This longer horizon often applies to organizations with very ambitious sustainability targets or those in industries facing significant challenges in transitioning to more sustainable practices.

Overall, while there is a strong commitment to sustainability, the timelines for achieving goals vary based on the complexity of the targets and the stage of implementation. Many respondents are also adapting their timelines as they encounter new opportunities and challenges.

Another excellent answer. It’s specific, relatively concise and directly answers the question.

And what does your research say the impact of those efforts will be environmentally?

Our research indicates that the sustainability efforts being implemented by organizations are expected to have a significant positive impact on the environment. Here are some key projected outcomes:

  1. Reduction in Carbon Emissions: Many organizations are investing in renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures. As a result, we anticipate a substantial reduction in carbon emissions. For example, companies transitioning to 100% renewable energy can cut their carbon footprint by up to 50% or more, depending on their previous energy mix.

  2. Energy Efficiency Improvements: Enhanced energy efficiency in operations, buildings, and products is expected to lead to lower overall energy consumption. Innovations in energy-efficient technologies and practices are projected to reduce energy use by an average of 20-30% for organizations implementing these measures.

  3. Waste Reduction: Efforts to minimize waste and promote recycling and circular economy practices are likely to decrease the amount of waste sent to landfills. Organizations focusing on waste reduction could see up to a 40% decrease in landfill waste, depending on the effectiveness of their waste management strategies.

  4. Water Conservation: Many sustainability initiatives include measures to reduce water usage. Companies implementing water-saving technologies and practices are expected to achieve significant water savings, potentially reducing consumption by 15-25%.

  5. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Protection: Sustainability efforts often involve initiatives to protect and restore natural habitats. These activities can contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and improve ecosystem health. For example, corporate reforestation projects and conservation programs can enhance local biodiversity and improve ecological resilience.

  6. Sustainable Supply Chains: By adopting more sustainable practices within supply chains, organizations can reduce the environmental impact of their products and services. This includes sourcing materials responsibly and reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation and production.

  7. Innovation and Technology: The push for sustainability drives innovation in green technologies and practices, which can lead to broader environmental benefits. Advances in clean energy, sustainable materials, and waste management technologies contribute to overall environmental improvements.

Overall, while the precise impact will vary depending on the scale and nature of the sustainability efforts, the collective effect of these initiatives is expected to be substantial in terms of reducing environmental footprints and promoting ecological sustainability. The positive outcomes are likely to be amplified as more organizations adopt and expand their sustainability practices.

This answer, while containing valuable information is also pretty long. With the open-ended nature of the question though, it’s probably OK, because it addresses that question specifically while filling in the blanks. Answers like this in a vacuum are fine – the reality is, sometimes spokespeople need to spend time laying out important details. Just be cognizant of that and remember stringing together answers of this length is less desirable. At the end of a lengthy answer like this, it’s often helpful to check with the reporter to make sure they got what they needed. Something like “sorry for the long-winded response but hopefully that was helpful. Would you like me to elaborate on any of those eight points?”

Does InnovativeTech solutions believe these efforts are substantial enough or do companies need to do more?

At InnovateTech Solutions, we recognize that while the current sustainability efforts by companies are commendable and impactful, there is always room for further progress. Here’s our perspective on the situation:

  1. Significant Progress: We acknowledge that many companies are making substantial strides in their sustainability efforts. Achievements in reducing carbon emissions, improving energy efficiency, and minimizing waste are significant and demonstrate a strong commitment to environmental stewardship.

  2. Need for Continuous Improvement: Despite these positive developments, we believe that there is a need for ongoing and accelerated action. Environmental challenges, such as climate change and resource depletion, are pressing and require more comprehensive and ambitious strategies. Companies should continuously evaluate and enhance their sustainability practices to achieve greater impact.

  3. Scaling Up Efforts: For many organizations, scaling up their sustainability initiatives is crucial. This includes expanding the adoption of renewable energy, implementing more rigorous waste reduction strategies, and further integrating sustainability into supply chains and product designs.

  4. Innovation and Collaboration: We advocate for increased investment in innovative technologies and practices that can drive more significant environmental benefits. Collaboration between companies, governments, and NGOs can also help amplify the impact of sustainability efforts and address systemic challenges more effectively.

  5. Long-Term Commitment: Sustainability is not a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment. Companies need to set long-term goals, regularly assess their progress, and adapt their strategies to evolving environmental standards and expectations.

  6. Transparency and Accountability: Increased transparency and accountability in reporting sustainability metrics and outcomes are essential. Clear and honest reporting helps stakeholders understand the true impact of sustainability efforts and can drive further improvements.

In summary, while current sustainability efforts are making a difference, we believe that more ambitious actions are needed. Companies should continue to innovate, scale their efforts, and collaborate to achieve more substantial and lasting environmental benefits. At InnovateTech Solutions, we are committed to supporting these endeavors through our technology solutions and partnerships aimed at advancing sustainability.

Could be tighter, but getting the company name into the response a couple times is nice. Because the question asked for the company’s opinion, “here’s our perspective” is OK, but a stronger statement would be “the data shows” or “our analysis shows” as it establishes credibility by explaining that the opinion is informed by data and research.

Is there anything in your report that I didn't ask about which you think is important?

Certainly! One key aspect of our report that’s worth highlighting is the role of policy and regulatory frameworks in shaping sustainability efforts. Here’s why this is important:

Policy and Regulatory Influence

  1. Driving Adoption: Policies and regulations play a crucial role in accelerating the adoption of sustainable practices. Government incentives, subsidies, and regulations can significantly influence how quickly and effectively companies implement sustainability measures. For instance, tax credits for renewable energy investments or stricter emissions standards can drive companies to adopt greener technologies.

  2. Setting Standards: Regulatory frameworks help establish standards and benchmarks for environmental performance. Clear and consistent regulations provide a roadmap for companies to follow and ensure that sustainability efforts align with broader environmental goals.

  3. Encouraging Innovation: Well-designed policies can stimulate innovation by creating a favorable environment for research and development in green technologies. Funding for sustainability research, support for startups focused on environmental solutions, and collaboration between public and private sectors can lead to groundbreaking advancements.

  4. Global Coordination: As sustainability is a global challenge, international agreements and collaborations play a critical role in harmonizing efforts across borders. Global frameworks and agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, set targets and encourage nations to work together to address climate change.

  5. Corporate Strategy Alignment: Companies often align their sustainability strategies with current and anticipated regulatory requirements. Understanding and anticipating regulatory trends can help businesses proactively adapt their strategies and stay ahead of compliance issues.

Emerging Trends in Sustainability

Additionally, the report highlights emerging trends such as:

  • Sustainable Finance: There’s a growing focus on integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into investment decisions. Sustainable finance practices are shaping how capital is allocated and are influencing corporate sustainability strategies.

  • Consumer Expectations: The increasing demand from consumers for sustainable products and practices is driving companies to enhance their environmental performance. Meeting consumer expectations is becoming a significant factor in brand differentiation and market success.

  • Technological Advancements: Innovations in areas like carbon capture, energy storage, and sustainable materials are making it increasingly feasible for companies to achieve their sustainability goals.

These aspects underscore the broader context in which sustainability efforts are taking place and highlight the importance of policy, regulation, and emerging trends in shaping the future of environmental responsibility.

Reporters often ask a question like this at the end of an interview and it’s an excellent opportunity to introduce a key point that was overlooked or to reinforce a key point from earlier. While we always encourage spokespeople to take advantage of this opportunity, unless it’s absolutely necessary to cover this much ground, it’s better to keep the answer short. Reporters are often on deadline and moving from one interview to the next. Interviewees are better served to conclude with a quotable/memorable point. If there are still extensive and important details to cover, consider extending an invitation for another call at the reporter’s convenience. “There’re many more details I’d be glad to talk through with you, but I know we’re short on time today. If you’d like, I’d be glad to connect with you again to discuss this further.”

Great. Thank you for your time today. I'll be working on my article this week.

You're welcome! I'm glad I could provide the information you needed. If you have any more questions or need further details while working on your article, feel free to reach out. Good luck with your writing!

The offer to provide more information and serve as a continued resource is the perfect way to end the interview. Hopefully the reporter comes away with both the information they need and confidence they can reach out again should the need arise.