Five gifts PR Return wants this holiday season

empty box

empty box




Happy holidays from PR Return! We’ve already stuffed the stockings of our clients, so now it’s our turn to throw a few items on our wish list. Feel free to package any of these (or all of them) up and send our way!

A tidy inbox

A sentiment shared by most PR pros, the email inbox is a perpetual hill to climb. Between client emails, reporter requests, and the dozens of newsletters we read daily to keep up with the latest, it may appear an impossibility to hit inbox zero. But really, it’s nothing a shiny package of time, energy and silence can’t fix!

A reporter’s attention

Similar to PR pros (but perhaps worse), a reporter’s inbox can act as a black hole for even the best pitches. This holiday season, we’ll take a quick response on a highly targeted and relevant pitch, please.

That unicorn placement

The unicorn – a mythical creature of stunning beauty that’s impossible to catch. Most PR pros have that one “unicorn” publication or reporter that’s managed to evade their grasp. This holiday season, we’d like a nice client mention, and if we can get greedy, a fruitful relationship with an important contact.

More solid research

We love robust eBooks, surveys and infographics. Lucky for us, our clients produce them almost as quickly as we can pitch them. Keep ‘em coming!

Coffee … a lot of coffee

No sense in hiding it – we drink a lot of coffee. Especially since Kraig spoils us with a spaceship-like espresso machine. We like Redline from Metropolis. Next I think we ought to request a Rancilio coffee machine, it's only right - coffee is our lifeline.

Lastly, the best gift we’ll ever receive is the continued support and business from our family of clients. Cheers to another year! We can’t wait to see what 2016 holds for PR Return and our clients alike!