Five New Year’s resolutions for your PR team in 2015

It’s time again to reflect on the year behind and set out to improve in 2015. Just like nearly half of Americans who make at least one resolution each year, agencies should reflect on successes, do some tweaking, and adjust strategy to make measurable improvements for their clients in the New Year. Here’s a list of a few of the most common New Year’s resolutions, applied to PR teams for 2015.

1. Get in shape

Get on a strict diet with clients by cutting the unnecessary fat and streamlining the PR plan. Set clear performance objectives for the New Year to best utilize resources and hours.

2. Learn something new

Technology continues to move at lightning pace, with new platforms and advances consistently popping up. Set aside some time to familiarize yourself these trends and tech and decide on the best way to utilize them for your clients.

3. Travel more

While it’s true that technology makes it easier than ever to meet with clients virtually, (think Skype and Go-To Meeting), there’s still value in hitting the road and meeting clients for a face-to-face status and strategy meetings.                                                                                                          

4. Start a new relationship

Use the new year to ramp up new business prospecting you may have neglected in 2014. Reach out to new folks, and break out the roledex for familiar contacts that may be searching for PR expertise.

5. Spend More Time with Family

Find an appropriate work/life balance; it’s crucial to keeping passions burning and the mind sharp. The most effective PR pros know when to unplug, step back and reinvigorate.

It may be tough to maintain the enthused momentum of making your resolutions, after all just eight percent of people achieve their New Year's promises, but it's not impossible. This year, take those resolutions to new heights, embracing each for the benefit of your PR team. Here’s to a fruitful 2015, and happy holidays from the team at PReturn!