6 Habits of the Effective PR Pro

Public relations professionals come in all shapes and sizes, with unique personalities and quirks; but however different each PR professional might be, there are a few key qualities the most successful among us share.

1. They write…constantly

Many public relations campaigns focus on content creation, and whether it’s bylined articles, blogs or press releases, a PR pro does some heavy writing daily. The effective PR pro knows the only way to keep writing skills sharp is through practice, even if it’s just a personal blog or a few notes in a journal. Each time they put words on paper, they refine their craft.

2. They listen hard and ask smart questions

In their own way, effective PR pros live by the phrase “measure twice, cut once.” They know a majority of their success is often influenced by the needs of others (clients, reporters, etc.) so it’s critical to completely understand those needs and align them with end goals. Matching client and reporter goals provides the best chance of success and keeps everyone happy.

3. They read a lot

There are few activities that stimulate the mind like a good read. Newsletters, trade magazines, blogs, you name it (except maybe Buzzfeed quizzes). Effective PR pros stay up-to-date on industry trends and insights by reading everything relevant they can get their hands on. It’s a great way to find outlets for their clients, keep tabs on the competition and learn new techniques to keep the mind sharp.

4. They cultivate relationships

It’s no secret that PR pros and reporters need each other like spaghetti needs meatballs, so effective pros work hard to cultivate and nurture relationships with reporters by checking in regularly and firmly establishing themselves as a reliable resource.

5. They study their subject matter

Many PReturn clients are leaders in the digital marketing space, so you can bet that each of us keeps regular tabs on the digital marketing landscape. Effective PR pros know their clients’ subject matter up and down, side to side, inside and out.

6. They can unplug

The most effective PR pros know when to unplug, step back and reinvigorate. Stress is what you sign up for when you choose a career in public relations, but PR pros who find an appropriate work/life balance avoid burning out early on in their careers.

What are some of your habits that make you an effective professional? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter @PReturn.