HARO - the Profnet killer

If you're a media relations pro and you're not using HARO, then you're just masquerading.

HARO - Help A Reporter Out (helpareporter.com) is an ad supported alternative to Profnet where reporters, editors and other members of the media can post their need for expert sources. HARO subscribers (did I mention it's free) receive three emails from HARO most days, and they can follow up with the reporters with helpful tips, experts, resources, or fees. Just don't pitch off topic or Chief HARO Peter Shankman will boot you from the community ... and he's like Santa Claus in that he'll know when you're bad (aka when you break the rules) ... in fact, I don't ever remember Santa Claus publicly humiliating me in front of my peers ... so maybe he's really one upping Old Saint Nick. Plain and simple - if you pitch off topic, he'll boot you and then call you out in the next newsletter to 40,000 or so subscribers (probably significantly more than that by now).

Peter created a simple offering that keeps him gainfully employed, helps the media and PR pros, and is founded on a common sense approach to doing something better than the industry standard. Way to go, Peter ... but I wish I had thought of it first ;-)

Presently, PReturn subscribes to both HARO and Profnet leads, but if Peter maintains the impressive contacts and queries he's built up to thus far, I have a feeling we won't be the only firm transitioning completely to the HARO family. Peter has also eluded to improvements in the year ahead.

Did I mention it's a free service?

Give it a try at www.helpareporter.com.